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Because they have just noticed what Piggy noticed some time earlier: that Ralph is losing his capacity to think and concentrate on the importance of being rescued. He keeps having 'blanks' when his mind drifts or clouds and he cannot remember what he was saying or why.

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Q: Why are the twins examining Ralph curiously as though they were seeing him for the first time?
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What strange thing does Ralph notice as the boys are playing around the rolling rocks?

The strange thing that Ralph notices when the boy are playing around with the rolling rocks is smoke. What he is seeing is not real though.

What was Ralph's reaction when Piggy suggested letting the signal fire go out?

In Chapter 10, Piggy suggests that they let the fire go out at night and relight it every morning because he concludes that the smoke will not be visible at night. At this point, Ralph is frustrated that Jack has started his own tribe. Ralph is also discouraged that only he and Piggy seem intent on keeping the fire going. Upon hearing Piggy's suggestion, Ralph agrees to let the fire go out. However, Ralph thinks it would be ideal to have the fire going all the time. The fire also gives Ralph a sense of security, especially at night: Ralph stood up, feeling curiously defenseless with the darkness pressing in.

What do Ralph and jack decide to do after the twins reported seeing the beast?

they went after the beast but jack decide to forget the beast and play rolling rock

Why is it ironic that jack uses fire to capture Ralph?

it is ironic that Jack used fire to capture Ralph becuase be was trying to find Ralph, which he did. Also the fire caused a ship to come to the idland because they saw the jungle on fire. With the ship stopping at the island and an officer coming on the beach, saved Ralph who was coming so close to a violent death. The officer also stopped the other boys from continuing on to kill Ralph. The ship saves Ralph and alll of the remaining boys. Seeing an adult and being saved, makes all of the boys emotional.

Is Ralph guilty of Simon death?

Ralph didn't directly kill Simon, but he didn't stop Jack from doing it.

Related questions

What strange thing does Ralph notice as the boys are playing around the rolling rocks?

The strange thing that Ralph notices when the boy are playing around with the rolling rocks is smoke. What he is seeing is not real though.

What does Ralph recall on hearing Simon and seeing the sky?

about a dead man

What is the difference between Ralph's and Simon's reaction to the skull explain why?

Ralph is repulsed by the skull, seeing it as a symbol of death and savagery. Simon, on the other hand, has a spiritual experience with the skull, seeing it as a representation of the inherent evil and darkness within humanity. This difference in reaction reflects Ralph's more rational and pragmatic outlook, while Simon's response is more intuitive and introspective.

Are Ralph Lauren and polo the same clothing line?

No, actually, they're not. Ralph Lauren and Polo have a similar logo, though.

What was Ralph's reaction when Piggy suggested letting the signal fire go out?

In Chapter 10, Piggy suggests that they let the fire go out at night and relight it every morning because he concludes that the smoke will not be visible at night. At this point, Ralph is frustrated that Jack has started his own tribe. Ralph is also discouraged that only he and Piggy seem intent on keeping the fire going. Upon hearing Piggy's suggestion, Ralph agrees to let the fire go out. However, Ralph thinks it would be ideal to have the fire going all the time. The fire also gives Ralph a sense of security, especially at night: Ralph stood up, feeling curiously defenseless with the darkness pressing in.

Does hulu plus have wreck-it-Ralph?

Not yet I think they are adding it soon though.

How is Ralph rescued?

Ralph is rescued in the novel "Lord of the Flies" when a naval officer arrives on the island after seeing the smoke from the fire. The officer finds Ralph hiding in the bushes and brings him back to civilization.

What instrument did Ralph Vaughan Williams play or did he play an instrument?

no he did not play an instrument he had a girlfriend that did though

When Ralph sees the pig skull what does he do and why chapter 11?

After seeing the pig skull, Ralph knocks it over and severs its head from the stick. He does this out of a mix of fear, anger, and frustration, feeling a sense of defiance and rebellion against the brutal savagery that the skull represents.

Is Elliott Lauren related to Ralph Lauren?

Apparently not. The owner/founder of Elliott Lauren (brand name) is Elliott Grosovsky. The brand name seems to be a deliberately similar name, though. The designer Ralph Lauren was born Ralph Lifshitz in 1939.

How does jack tribe react to ralph's talk of rescue?

they laughed at him

What do Ralph and jack decide to do after the twins reported seeing the beast?

they went after the beast but jack decide to forget the beast and play rolling rock