9 times out of ten its because of fear, not just the fear of the other persons reaction but the fear of hurting someone's feelings. This is not good at all because it leaves the person who is being hurt or affected by something to suppress their own feelings to avoid causing tension to or with someone else. You see this a lot on jobs because a person may fear losing their job if they were to voice their concerns and sometimes NOT voicing your concerns causes other's to take advantage of you because they feel you WON'T do anything because they know you are scared. In the end it's always best to learn to be assertive without being aggressive, which is hard to do if the situation has snowballed and resentments have built up over time
to some people yes but its suposet to be. its also suposeted to be fun but if yu dont want to dor that or your girl dosent want you to do that dont. but its fun =-)
some people dont even know this kid but why do you want to know its none of your bussiness
not all of them because if they would shave they will have to shave every time cause hair grows every second.some wrestlers dont shave and dont have any type of body hair.some wrestlers dont shave but do have body hair and some do and shave.it all depends.the following superstars dont shave randy orton john cena.
some do, some dont, and some dont care.
some people dont like blacks some people dont like whites some people just hate everyone including themselves. some people dont like blacks some people dont like whites some people just hate everyone including themselves.
i think some people think someone might hurt them if they stand up for themselves
Some people stand with one leg crossed in front of the other as just a general stance. Some also find it helps support themselves.
They think that the people around them are only there to kill him/her, so they defend themselves Some just think its some kind of sick game Some dont have the mental capacity to think and just do it
It means that people can only be taken over by a tyrant if they don't stand up for themselves. Some people are only powerful because no one has dared to challenge them.
some people protect themselves by paunching the anther people that is tiring to heart him
some people do but some people dont
Some people do some people dont.
some have parents that dont let some dont have computer some dont know how to use it.
no, EMO people DO NOT cut themselves everyday. In fact, some EMO's dont cut at all. EMO si short for Emotional. that doesn't mean that they all cut. it is also a genre of music and a fashon style.
only some gothics harm themselves only some emo cut themselves
yes marine park jhs does have lockers some people say they dont but they should really go in and see for themselves.