Anime is a form of fantasy and so the characters will resemble people that come from the artist's fantasy, often their own ideals. Add to that the societal value of slenderness you will have the over-exaggerated anime body proportions of super skinny characters.
You might like Ed ("Edward Wong Hau Pepulu Tivruskii the 4th") from Cowboy BeBop , she appears as a regular character in episode # 9 "Jamming with Edward" .
To be honest, it should only be watched by someone who can understand the sexual undertones that are present in it. More than one of the characters or 'nations' in the series have romantic or intimate feelings for one another. You must also know that nearly all of the characters in Hetalia are men. So, I'd say maybe a mature fifteen year old could handle it.
The Dutch duo Mouth & MacNeal
It is basically Anime some people here say anime manga but anime and manga is different. Manga is like a comic but black and white and you read it from right to left. and anime basically means animation in Japanese. So yeah...
An Anime is a Asian Cartoon and mermaid melody, well is American !~ so it is a good Cartoon, but not at all Anime
Cosplayers or Anime Characters? Cosplayers are still human beings so they can. Anime Characters in an anime can go to hospitals if the story calls for it.
I guess the writers think it is interesting
Well I really like the anime but people do say that the characters always seem to have some sort of power boost so they don't ever lose
There are so many new characters in Naruto Shippuuden...furthemore are you talking about the anime or the manga? Currently, the newest character in anime is Suigetsu...
your so skinny you can do flips threw a frootloop. your so skinny that when you swallowed a meat ball you thought you were pregnant. your so skinny that when u fell down a well they sent down a cherrio? if daz how u spell it.
anime is a Japanese movie, so the characters' names were originally Japanese translated into English by how they sound and people try to make the same sound using the alphabet in English.
All countries have fat and skinny people. There are some that admire thinness, so most are skinny. Others admire plumpness so most are bigger. Colombia admires thinness, so most teenagers are skinny.
A dubbed anime is an anime edited so that the characters speak in the language of the viewer, rather than in Japanese. On the other hand, subbed anime is anime in Japanese, with subtitles of the viewers language. Pure japanese anime is referred to as the RAW version.
i guess its because anime is so better then cartoons :D
No, but around 4am to 8 am they so some anime shows on cartoon network
if you are attracted to the characters, why the hecl would you want your mom to look like one? O.o Freak.
Cuz they don't eat enough