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Because they fly, there bones need to be hollow to cut down on there weight.

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So they can fly

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Q: Why are birds bones hallow?
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What group of animals have hallow bones and feathers?


Do hallow bones help birds fly?

Yes they make the bird lighter.

How does a birds hallow bones affect flight?

It helps them be light enough to fly

Are birds the only animals with hallow bones?

Most birds -- and all birds that fly -- have semi-hollow bones. Most reptiles, however, do not.

Why are birds poorly represented in the fossil record?

In order for birds to fly they need light and often hallow bones. Because of this they can easily be broken and do not easily form fossils.

What are two answers why birds fly?

firs because they have hallow bones that allows them to fly and so they can get away from things that will try to eat them

How do birds get energy?

Birds get there energy for eating, they digest the food that gives them energy. They can fly by having hallow bones, they use there energy as efficiently as possible so they can fly for long periods of time.

What does a bird have that no other animal type have?

Hallow Bones...feathers...

Do tall people have hollow bones?

Yes they have hallow bones because some of them suffer from marfan

Why are birds' bones hollow?

because they are tiney birds

What advantage do you gain from the fact that bones are hallow?

Having hollow bones makes the skeleton lighter, allowing for easier movement and flight in birds. Additionally, the hollowness provides strength and support without adding unnecessary weight.

Unique characteristic that distinguishes extant birds from other extant birds?
