probably because you get all the attention now and he knows that you get spoilt when you're an only child and he wishes he was back being an only child. But deep, deep inside that heart of his he loves you.
Every girl goes nuts for them because they're good looking, talented, and because their music is relateable.
Why are you so dumb? You cannot even explain your reasoning to why you think he is dumb in the first place What makes you jump to the conclusion to why he is dumb
Youtube sensation annoying orange is just an animated voice. The voice is supposed to be annoying in a funny way. So what you call gay is what the writers and creator calls annoying.
No they are not real brothers. They met a while back and began writing music and rapping together but became so close they named themselves as the Ying yang twins. Also because they look so much alike.
obviously not, some dumb arse's put out some false rumor(rumor video itself was so dumb that even a 3 year old could prove it was false, and i wonder how dumb is indian public to belive such dumb vidz and false rumors).... huh! sharman is alive and his heart still beats at 60-80 beats/min .. so jusz chill!
Tee is annoying, because he is jealous of his brothers, so he has to be annoying to get attention.
because the little ones are so annoying
no, brothers are SO MUCH worse
brothers are not awesome they are the weirdest thing ever and they are annoying
You scream at the top of your lungs.... "GO AWAY YOU......." and then cry. So your brothers get the blame for annoying you.See easy!ew
Why do bother act dumb? Do you mean, "Why do brothers act dumb?" If so, considering your spelling, maybe you're the dumb one...
because your dumb(*,*)
Why are brothers so anooying why are sisters so anooying? Know tht's the real question ********** Sibling rivalry and/or hormonal changes.
they have a medicene in them that makes them that way or maybe they're just so immature
Because they are dumb and have nothing else to do.
Because that's where he stores all his annoying habits and huge ego. Its the only big thing they have.
Harry Potter is smart, he received seven O.W.L's with high marks and he managed to defeat the darkest wizard of all time. It is your personal opinion wither you think he is annoying or not and if you think that you must have your own reasons for doing so.