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Many barber shops are not closed on Wednesdays. The days a barber shop is open are decided by the proprietor.

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Q: Why are barber shops closed on Wednesday's?
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haha do you mean because barber shops are closed on Wednesday

How many barber shops did the titanic had?

The Tianic had two barber shops. One for first class on C-Deck and one for second class on E-Deck.

Which of these were outlawed by the Taft hartley act of 1974?

Closed shops

Why do you have barber shops?

We have barber shop so that we have a place to cut our hair

Where was the first barber shop?

Barber shops became a popular establishment in the late 1800s.

What type of organization hires hair stylists?

barber shops, beauty shops and the mall maybe.

What are the release dates for Blue Ribbon - 2003 Barber Shops and Beauty Salons?

Blue Ribbon - 2003 Barber Shops and Beauty Salons was released on: USA: 29 September 2004

Are beauty and barber shops considered cash intensive businesses?


What shavers are most used by barbers?

LUXOR, sasoon, and Barber King are all common brands used in barber shops and salons.

How many Wednesdays in 1952?

There were 53 Wednesdays in 1952.There were 53 Wednesdays in 1952.There were 53 Wednesdays in 1952.There were 53 Wednesdays in 1952.There were 53 Wednesdays in 1952.There were 53 Wednesdays in 1952.There were 53 Wednesdays in 1952.There were 53 Wednesdays in 1952.There were 53 Wednesdays in 1952.There were 53 Wednesdays in 1952.There were 53 Wednesdays in 1952.

What services are provided at barber shops?

Barber shops provide basic appearance maintenance services, generally for males. Such services include shaving facial hair, shaving heads, providing haircuts, and even a nice scalp massage.

Where is it possible to find out which barber shops are nearby?

It is possible to find out what barbershops are available in a certain area by checking in the Yellow Pages of the local telephone book. Beauty salons and barber shops often advertise their services in the Yellow Pages.