Because the need a 'line of site' to the transmitter or relay station.
The Burgess model created by Ernest Burgess, which is also known as the concentric model is based on the idea that Residential values are highest in the center of a town or city. This is due to competition being high in the central parts of the settlement. This leads to high-rise, high-density buildings being found near the CBD, with higher class residential properties, sparse developments on the edge of the town or city.
Maroon is the color of Forks High School in "Twilight."Specifically, the school buildings are made of maroon-colored bricks. Many surrounding shrubs and trees hide the actual shape and size of the building. So the impression is a pleasing combination of maroon in the midst of green .. if one likes a rainy environment, which Bella Swan does not.
Most likely... if there is, it would probably not involve any of the characters from the first four books. (The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, and The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King...Sorry but I felt it called for a list to help people think about what the fourth one (in theory) would be called.)There is a high possibility that the movie "The Hobbit" will be made. The Hobbit is the book before the others.
well.... there is Hollywood senior high school, Fairfax senior high school, Loyola high school, San Fernando senior high school, Burbank high school, Belmot senior high school, and Arcadia high school thats all i know
due to facilitate ubinterrupted signalsexchange at that high level
Digital aerials get a better quality of picture than do analog aerials. in addition, digital aerials can get high definition signals over the air,where analog aerials cannot.
An eagle makes its nest on high heights. Ex. tops of trees, cliffs, tops of buildings, towers, etc.
its cause high preusse and it die and have lot of damage and their powerful wind break all towers and house and buildings
the life of the twin towers would be it was standing for 28 years...110 stories high... the twin towers where the biggest building for 2 years... the twin towers where more than just buildings they where apart of this world that the world loved and cared for... there could have been 200,000 vistors...
Towers High School was created in -230.
I think about 10.00 meters.
Steel buildings are obviously more stable when it comes to earthquakes and fires. Most homes are constructed of wood framing while most high-rise towers are constructed of steel to uphold better.
There are no permanent buildings on Mount Everest. The only structures that may be found there temporarily are base camps set up by climbers during their expeditions.
Towers High School's motto is 'Excellence in Every Endeavor!'.
Mobile signals are relayed via a network of phone 'towers' - which are typically on tall buildings - or high 'stand alone' towers. The handset only has to 'see' a single relay tower in order to connect the call to the network.