everybody said a jealous Justin beiber fan punched her but didn't! It was just a fat lip!
And guess what? Justin beiber took out the middle finger to get the reporters away!
Selena Gomez got punched in the mouth by someone but only Jelena knows and I don't think there gonna say.
They are both equally pretty but when it comes to singing give the mic to Demi.People are saying that Selena Gomez lip synchs! So we know that Demi is a true singer so which proves that Demi is better!!!!!!!!!!!!A matter of personal preference.
If you want to be like Selena Gomez follow these steps; 1: Put on some foundation she normally wears light 2:Put on some light pink eye shadow 3:Put some pink lip gloss on peachy pink would do Then walla you have the utterly gorgeous Selena Look
nope, not at allDemi Lovato doesn't lip sync. She enjoys singing and she's young and talented. One of the few actually...She never did or will :)not at all!.. i listen to all her music ( call me obsessive) and I've heard her sing live she sounds just like she does on the CD and she don't really need to lip syncNO SHE DOESN'T if you don't believe me go on youtube and type her singing live shes amazing PS everyone lip syncs on music videosheck no she is a beautiful singer.do she does not, she has sung live and she sounds marvelous.yea my friends said that she lips sing that is totalynot true she is the best of all.heck no she is a beutiful singer.no she doesn't theres this video of her she singing and she fell down the stairs and she stopped singing so ha in yo face!
The correct term is lip synching. Lip singing is used by those that don't know what it is they are trying to say and have never seen it correctly written.
she gets her lip gloss from a big mall
No, she does not.
Selena Gomez was punched by a mega Justin bieber fan
Selena Gomez said in Seventeen Magazine that she uses Carmex lip balm.
No, he hasn't.
No. only in her vlogs but she does that for fun.
carmex lip balm
of course not i mean her voice is too the same for lip sync
She usually wears light lip gloss.
pink and peach cute ha ahhh i love Selena
Red, Black, Orange, Pink, maybe purple