The song 'As Time Goes By' was written by Herman Hupfeld and has been recorded by many famous artists. The theme song version for the British TV show, As Time Goes By, was recorded by Frances Williams.
Alberta Hunter wrote this song herself.
The song was written by John Ondrasik, who goes by the name Five For Fighting.
Alex wrote it for his girlfriend, Lisa.
Big Time Rush's song "City is Ours" was written by Eric Sanicola.
Who wrote the song almost.
Sandy Denny
Time Goes By - song - was created in 2000.
No band wrote this song it was wrote by Ed Drewett
M.C. Hammer
Alberta Hunter wrote this song herself.
No "Time For Me To Fly" is not the first song the Jonas Brothers wrote together, "Please Be Mine" Is the first song the Jonas Brothers wrote together.
The original song "Got the Time" was written and recorded by Joe Jackson in 1979 but was recorded as a cover song by the heavy metal band Anthrax on the album "Persistence of Time" in 1990 and received considerable airplay on MTV.
he wrote for my mom wanda
John Lennon
Its called okay by blakhouse mike. This is also the song that jade sings in the episode were she and Andre wrote a song
I think Paul Simon wrote it