Well... Barry Manilow sang it so I would have to assume he wrote it as weel.
My grandfather, Richard Hull, wrote the jingle for folgers. He was a country musician and had just signed a record deal when he was killed on my mothers 16th birthday after his car caught fire and he was trapped inside.
It is a jingle about GoGurt!
Polaroid cameras are powered by a battery located inside the film catridge. Changing the film on your camera will give it power, if that does not work, your polaroid film may be expired, or your camera might be broken. good luck!
The cast of Swinger - 2013 includes: Anthony Mamalinga Ingersent as Dimitri Nicholas Papademetriou as Narrator Damien Strouthos as Niko
comcast jingle? No TV jingle for T-Moble no, it's the Shower to Shower powder jingle... Just a sprinkle a day helps keep odor away...have you had your sprinkle today
James LordPierman Wrote the classic Christmas song Jingle Bells.
Jk rowliing
barack obama
Bobby Helms.
Barry Manilow
Stevie tudanger
It depends on what era your talking about,In the 60's and 70's the Polaroid Swinger camera could do alot of things even self developement...
I believe this jingle was wrtten by Artie Fields
He was the minister who wrote "Jingle Bells".
My grandfather, Richard Hull, wrote the jingle for folgers. He was a country musician and had just signed a record deal when he was killed on my mothers 16th birthday after his car caught fire and he was trapped inside.