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Lord of the Flies was written by the author William Golding. The story is both a coming of age story and allegorical novel. Essentially a group of boys aged from around 6 up to 12 are marooned on a tropical island with no adults. Initially the boys elect a leader called Ralph, plan to light a fire to aid their rescue and also build shelters. Unfortunately almost from the start things go begin to go wrong. Under the influence of a boy called Jack, who wants only to hunt pigs and be the leader, things begin to fall apart and the boys begin to act increasingly like savages. Negligence leads to the disappearance of a small boy and later to a missed opportunity to be rescued. A boy is beaten to death when he is mistaken for an imaginary beast and a fat boy is deliberately killed. The book ends when Jack and his tribe accidentally set fire to the entire island as they attempt to hunt down and kill Ralph, only for the smoke to attract a naval vessel and ensure Ralph's survival and the rescue of all the remaining boys.

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Q: Who wrote the Lord of the Flies briefly describe the setting and theme?
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What was the setting and theme of Lord of the Flies?

"Lord of the Flies" is set on a deserted tropical island where a group of boys are stranded after a plane crash. The theme of the novel explores the dark side of human nature, depicting how the boys descend into savagery and chaos as they struggle for power and survival.

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Character development and setting can help support and reinforce a theme in a story. Characters' actions, decisions, and internal struggles can exemplify the theme, while the setting can create a mood or atmosphere that enhances the theme's message.

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The theme of a story can be influenced by the setting, as the environment can shape characters' behaviors and choices, which in turn can reflect the overarching message or moral of the story. However, themes can also transcend the setting and explore universal ideas that are relevant across various contexts.

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In "Lord of the Flies," Wilfred is one of the boys stranded on the island. He is mentioned briefly in the story, as being one of the boys tortured by Jack and his tribe. Wilfred represents the theme of violence and savagery that emerges among the boys as they regress into savagery without adult supervision.

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