It was Scott Joplin who was an African American and he also wrote the Entertainer, Elite Syncopositions and Swipsey. He died on November 24th 1917
Scott Joplin
Frankie valli and the four seasons sung rag doll
Not on her shoulder. She does have one on her neck of a Canadian maple leaf.
It's a fast and peppy piano roll, sometimes with an ominous but yet happy theme to, it's usually played on a "honky tonk" sounding piano, or a Tack Piano. Scott Joplin introduced it at the World Fair in Chicago in 1893. He's known as the King of Ragtime with songs like "The Entertainer" and "Maple Leaf Rag".
Rag Mama Rag(Robertson) ROY YOUNG/MR.FUNKY on MCA MKPS 2022 recorded 1971/2
Maple Leaf Rag was created in 1899.
Scott Joplin was the composer of the Maple Leaf Rag, and was otherwise regarded as "the king of ragtime". Another interesting fact about Mr. Joplin is that he held most of his event's entrance cost at one cent, hence the name "Penny Rag".
He played The Entertainer, Maple Leaf Rag, Magnetic Rag, Weeping Willow and much more you can find all the songs on proffeser and search Scott Joplin.
The piano.
Maple Leaf Rag, The Entertainer and The Rag Time Dance
Scott Joplin
The maple leaf rag was never very popular. While it did have a niche market, it never became a wide spread or hip item to have. Over time it has lost additional popularity.
Pineapple Rag Maple Leaf Rag Solace The Entertainer The Easy Winners Peacherine Rag Elite Syncopations
the entertainer, maple leaf rag.
Maple Leaf Rag The Enterainer by Scott Joplin
Scott Joplin. 1865- 1917 died of: syphilis
Yes, the one that has transcripted the Maple Leaf Rag in a piano strand rag while giving Scott Joplin the original credit under the copyrighting by law named, Jerry Roll Morton.