A seal would win becaus a seal is a much larger animal and has teeth where as a turtle is a lot smaller and does not have as much power but a turtle can hide in its shell.
the lion will win.
John cena would win in a fist fight an 50 cent would win in a in a gun fight
If you stuck a squad of Marines and A squad of army soldiers, The marines would definatley win! Marine are trained to be right in the action, Army soldiers are more for support and backup. Marines are trained more harsh and cruel than a Army soldier.
raiden would win
A lion would win because it can even kill a wolf.
a seal would win.
the caiman woud when
Bear-the leopard seal is still just a seal after all.
Mario dies when a turtle touches him. Batman can fight the Joker, and still walk away fine. Batman would win.
That depends on what kind of squid it is. If it's a giant squid, then the squid is going to win. If it's not very big, the seal will win.
no it will be eaten by the turtle as a snack
it really depends on what Pokemon and what tmnt were in the fight in general, though, the Pokemon would probably win
the snake will win because it is faster then the turtle.
depends on whether or not Mario has his fireballs are turtle shell. If he does than Mario, if not wolverine.
the lion will win.
Sonic would win the fight, but sora would put in one hell of a fight.