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Condors are carrion eaters, and eagles capture live prey. There would be no conflict between them, and no reason to fight. Unlike humans, animals do not fight for no reason. To answer your thoroughly theoretical question, the eagle would have a distinct advantage in the air because of being more maneuverable (while big enough to inflict a lot of damage), and that would probably be the case on the ground as well, although the condor's longer neck could be an advantage.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Assuming the polar bear could catch it, the polar bear. They are extremely large and strong. An eagle is able to slash, but the polar bear has thick layers of flesh and fat that would protect its organs and other vital areas. In return, the polar bear is very strong, has claws of its own, and outweighs the eagle to an extreme. Eagles can weigh up to around 15 pounds (7kg), where as the polar bear can weigh around 550 pounds (249kg).

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βˆ™ 14y ago

I have taken time out to answer your question as i have been in your shoes before. After alot of research my conclusion was that the pigeon would win as it is more faster and agile it is also smaller so it can fit into small gaps and ambush the eagle.

Hope you found this information useful :-)

Pigeon Veteran.

To Pigeon Veteran, this is very helpful. Me and my girlfriend will have alot of fun talking about this. Thanks HarleyCostinPav.

:) x

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Although a Falcon can fly, a Cougar has the strength advantage and can ambush efficiently. If a cougar could catch a falcon on the ground, the cougar would win, but if the falcon was in the air, it would be much more even.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

polar bear.

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Q: Who would win in a fight polar bear or eagle?
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Which would win in a fight a polar bear or a wolf?

A polar bear no doubt, its more as 10 times as heavy. it could easily take the wolf down to the ground and bite to death. Polar bear wins. the only animal that could challange a polar bear on land is a Siberian tiger

Who would win a fight 2 black bears a grizzly bear and a polar bear?

It's likely that the polar bear might win the fight. 2 black bears would first go for the grizzly bear and work together to swat that thing to death, but a grizzly bear would also fight back. If the grizzly bear did this, it might have a chance to win, but it could get seriously hurt. Then, the polar bear could kill the injure grizzly bear by biting that thing on the throat.

Which animal will win in fight polar bear or eliphant?


Who would win a polar bear or a piranha?

the bear they are a lot strongerThat depends on what type of bear it is. A black bear would lose, but grizzly's stand more of a chance. However, it is possible for a lion to beat a grizzly. When lions fight, their target is the throat and legs. Breaking the air pipe would suffocate the bear, and damaging It's legs would leave it on the ground, where the lion would kill it. But if the lion attempted that, the bear may kill the lion first.A kodiak bear, grizzly bear, or polar bear could kill a lion, but a lion could kill a black bear.Another AnswerA lion can kill any type of bear because a lion has powerful biting force and great fighting skills.

Who would win a fight if a bull walrus and a polar bear fought?

On land, the walrus and/or bull, no question. Those large tusks from the walrus and large horns from the bull (if the bull is indeed horned) are more than enough to intimidate and/or kill a polar bear. In the sea, no body because the walrus would swim away faster than the bear could catch it, the bull would drown, and the polar bear would be left holding the bag, so to speak.

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Who would win in a fight- a polar bear or a narwhal?

Polar bear.

Who would win a fight lion or polar bear?

polar bear

Who would win in a fight a brown bear or a polar bear?

Polar bear, they are known as the most carnivorous bear.

Who would win in a fight between an ox and a polar bear?

It depends on the health and size of the two animals, and the position of where are they attacking. If the ox struck the polar bear with its head or knocked its chest, the ox would win the fight. If the polar bear swiped and clawed the ox to death, the ox would be a meal of the polar bear.

Who would win in a fight Killer whale or polar bear?

the shear size and strength of the killer whale would own the polar bear

Who would beat a polar bear in a fight?

Narwhals. They are narwhals!

Who would win in a fight a pack of wolves or a polar bear?

If a pack of wolves can kill a grizzly then it can kill a polar bear!!!

What would win in a fight a polar bear or a crocadile?

On land the bear. In the water the crocodile .

Between a polar bear and a gorilla who would win in a neutral environment fight?

I don't know if such a fight has ever happened or ever will, but my guess is that the polar bear would win. Both animals are very strong, but the polar bear has bigger claws and teeth.

Who would win in a fight to the death on neutral ground a panda bear or a bald eagle?

the bald eagle no panda bear they are fluffy

Who would win in a fight a polar bear or walrus?

A polar bear is able to win in a fight against a small walrus, but usually loses to a bigger walrus such as a mother.

Which would win in a fight a polar bear or a bull?

The bull would win, unless the polar bear bites its face or claws the bull down.