Big foot because he would stomp the abominable snow man to the ground.
Shippuden episode 68.
between 7 and 10
Fight between Sean Thornton (John Wayne) and Michaleen Oge Flynn (Barry Fitzgerald) in The Quiet Man (1952).
stag beetle
Cain won in both fights by TKO
Some say the bear, some say the Bigfoot. We may never know.
sleding, snowball fight, build snowman, iceskate,etc.
Things that one can build with snowballs in the winter would be the snowman. The Snowman is the most popular thing to build with snow. Most people will give their snowman a scarf, hat and a face. You can also build balls to have a snow fight with others.
Build snowman, snowball fight, sledding, ski
seeing how they are the same just one lives in snow and one lives in the forest, it depends on the age, if one was elderly the adult would win if one was young the adult would still win.
Prosty the Spokesgland
i think wonder woman would win. Shes got powers and she can fly away at any time. Meanwhile big foot probably doesn't exist, and he doesn't have any super powers. He would pretty much just be a big animal.
Robotic bigfoot would pwn a two headed dinosaur because a dino has a pea sized brain maybe even smaller than a grain of sand. :P :)
A duel is a fight between two people
A duel is a fight between two people