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Well if the dog was a grown up, it would win. So a dog would win. One, because it would eat the mouse, two, would kill or chase the sheep away, and two, nip at the cow's heels and drive the cow off.

But, the cow could win over the dog because she can easily kick or butt the dog enough to injure it and send it packing with its tail between its legs.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago
Horses can run up to 57 miles per hour. Obviously the horse is going to win.

It depends on what breed of cow. A horse would beat most types of cow e.g. Dutch belted or Friesian, they were bred for dairy, a horse could use its muscular advantage to stamp it down.

Other breeds of cow e.g. longhorn cow would win, as longhorn cows are toughened by their tough desert life and are used for bull fighting.

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