Chewbacca is a Wookie.
Wookie Mayer is 169 cm.
Chewbacca, the wookie.
What clone? Fives, Rex, Echo and Cody are in it and as far as i know the other clone names are unown
Kazune is a clone because his father can ONLY make Kazune a clone of him.
Wookie hands down
A clone trooper trooper head would win... Status: a clone trooper head would just Hop on the Obi-wan head and win!
superman. because the original is always better then the clone.
Wookies use weapons of all types. Wampsa would be blasted.
Jango because he is not a clone.
Steel cage death match? My money is on Han and Chewie. Remember, its not smart to upset a wookie.
I see it as though wookies make more then one noise but if you want the common wookie call then my answer would be AUGUUUGUUUGUUUGRRRGHHHHH a wooikie roar would be AULRGHHHGR a wookie wimper would be AUGRFF.
Chewbacca is a Wookie.
no one can clone a jedi
Mewtwo can control the minds of others mewtwo would win,and mewtwo would probably clone goku and make an army of goku's!!!!!!!!!! that is if he was a poke'mon.
Wookie Mayer is 169 cm.
I would clone myself