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the brown recluse is the winner in the fight with the black widow because its more dangerous than any other spider but there is onother spider which is dealiest its the BLAZING WANDERING SPIDER and i dont know who would win if the blazing wandering spider got in a fight with a brown recluse

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Q: Who would win brown recluse vs black widow?
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What is the most poisoness spider in South Carolina?

it would have to be either the brown recluse or the black widow

Would a black widow or a brown recluse win a fight?

It is difficult to predict the outcome of a fight between a black widow spider and a brown recluse. Both spiders have venomous bites that can be harmful to humans, but their behavior and natural defenses might influence the outcome of a fight. It's best to avoid situations where these spiders may come into contact with each other.

Do brown recluse spiders mate with black widow spiders?

No, brown recluse spiders and black widow spiders do not mate with each other as they belong to different species and have different mating behaviors. Brown recluse spiders are in the Loxosceles genus, while black widow spiders are in the Latrodectus genus.

Is a brown recluse more venomous than a black widow?

Yes the brown recluse is more venomous because the toxin goes through your blood and destroys tissue if it isn't treated then you might have to get it amputated EDIT the venoms toxicity is comparable to each other, however the types are different so an answer based on the effects of the venom of a brown recluse over that of a black widow is invalid, the only way to determine an answer for this is to use a comparison in the quantities required to form a lethal dose, this is usually done by extrapolating upwards via a lethal dose in a mouse,... because you would kill a person to find out directly otherwise.

What spider is native to Maryland that is considered poisonous?

Well, first of all, the correct term is venomous, but that is not that important. All spiders are venomous. Some very dangerous ones native to Maryland are the brown recluse and the black widow (yes, it does live around here, but you will most likely not see one around the house). So to answer your question, all Maryland spiders are venomous, just some are more dangerous than others. Most that you would see around here or in your house are relatively harmless (it might hurt to be bitten by one, but it probably won't do any significant damage).Black widows, and brown recluse' are the only spiders in Maryland, and America that are fetal to humans. all the other spiders are either harmless to humans or a little dangerous

What the most poisonous spider in Arizona?

The poisonous spiders are only two of them:The Brown recluseThe Black Widow.Be careful and watch out while on a hike. Check out some pictures at your local nature center or the one close to you. Have a nice day!

The most poisonis spider?

It is commonly believed that the Brazilian wandering spider is the most poisonous spider, there have been over 7000 recorded bites. If a person is bitten by this species there is a good chance that death will occur. However, the black widow spider, the brown recluse spider and the tunnel web spider, are also very poisoness. == ==

What is a pet safe alternative to pesticides to get rid of spiders?

The first thing you need to determine is why you want to get rid of the spiders. The ones in the U.S. that can kill people are the black widows and the brown recluse spiders. Black widow bites can only kill children and infirm adults. Since antivenoms have been available, nobody has died from their bites. The brown recluse spiders can produce necrotic bites, and sometimes more serious symptoms, symptoms that can produce death, can result. Black widow spiders do not like to live in human habitations, so if you spot one the easiest solution would be to let it drop into a bottle, cap the bottle, take it outside, and release it at some distance from human habitation. If you kill all spiders in your house, then there is a chance that many brown recluses spiders would get in, and there would be no other spiders around to catch and eat them. If you are intent on killing, then the next problem would be what to use to kill them. A flyswatter would do for individual black widow or brown recluse spiders. If you don't like that solution you could try diatomaceous earth. That is not a drug like DDT. It is made up of large numbers of diatoms, or at least the shells of dead diatoms. Contact with them can pierce the bodies of insects and spiders.

California spider that is brown with a red dot on its belly?

Yikes... stay away. Likely a dirty Widow. A BLACK WIDOW with a lighter colouration. Don't touch it!

How big can a redback spider grow?

A brown recluse is not a large spider. It is about the size of a lead weight that you would put onto a fishing line. The brown recluse and the black widow are two poisonous spiders found in the US. Neither one has enough poison to kill a person. The danger is that their bites cause infection, which can damage large areas of tissue. The bite of a brown recluse usually turns black within a few days, and swells up around the bite.The Black Widow venom is approximately 15 times more powerful than a Rattlesnake's venom. The venom is a powerful nuerotoxin. The obvious insight is that a Black Widow is not injecting as much venom as a Rattlesnake could. At 15x the potency though you have a concern on your hands.A Black Widow bite can potentially cause death in a human being. As noted in other texts, the most common deaths are the very young and the very old. However, each bite is case specific. One individual may not react like another. There may be a strong reaction to the venom in one individual and less severe response in another.Why take a chance? If you are bitten by a Black Widow go the ER and state up front that you have been bitten by a Black Widow. Antivenin is available should it be warranted.

How big is a Brown Recluse?

I would say probably as big as a regular spider would be

What is the species of a black widow?

A black widow is a spider I would look up pics too