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A man with a knife would win even from a distance of 18 feet away.

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Q: Who would win at a fight a man with a gun or man with a knife?
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haha well i would say the bull but it depends on what the man has.... if it has a gun or a knife of somesort, then probably the man. if the man has nothing (but himself) then the bull Answer: The Bull

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It would depend on various factors such as the size and strength of the man and the python, as well as the environment of the fight. In general, a large python could overpower a human due to its size, constricting abilities, and sharp teeth.

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It depends. If the human had a gun and they saw the tiger before it attacked them, the human would win. Of course, if the human didn't see the tiger in time or was un-armed, there would be no chance for the human.

How do you use the knife in stick RPG?

If you're talking about the "japanese swords" you just have to fight someone, then click on it's thumbnail at the bottom, then hold the mouse to use it automatically.

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he man

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Grizzly, no question. Except a feller could have a chance at winning if he had a nice sharp frog sticker (also known as a Bowie knife) with him.

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In a one-on-one fight, Spider-Man would most likely win.