depends if the lion was dumb or not. if it was, the scorpion, but if it wasnt, the lion.
A lion would win because it can even kill a wolf.
It really depends on how strong/large the wolves are and how strong/large the lion is.Another AnswerThe lion would win the fight with the two wolves because it has the strength of killing a siberian tiger, while two wolves would have difficulties with. Two wolves are not strong enough to kill a lion, but four or more wolves would totally kill a lion. Even if the two wolves are strong and large, the lion would still kill them, but it could get injured.
male african lion is bravest than siberian tiger.lion(born to fight) ,tiger(born to hunt)
Depends where the fight is and the size, age and experience of the huskies themselves.
A lot of people will say lion , however they are wrong because they are just stupid lion fans that know nothing about a tiger's advantages. The tiger will win because it is stronger! heavier, more agile, bigger, has longer canines, is a better fighter, is smarter, and is not lazy and waits for females to hunt. Tigers rule and lions suck
A lion!
In a fight between a cheetah and a lion, the lion would likely win due to its larger size and strength.
In a fight between a lion and a cheetah, the lion would likely win due to its larger size, strength, and hunting experience.
the biggest animal will Win the fight
As wolfs and lions don't usually fight, the lion would win
A lion seems to be stronger than a man and way more powerful. A man would be killed by a lion in a few seconds.
lion would kill a puma in a fight forshow
Chuck Norris would use his infinate round house kick and the lion would die from shear awesomeness
The tiger would win because tiger's are TAAANNKK