diplodocus would win due to its sheer size and long, whip like tail. in a pack, allosaurus would be able to take down a sick or juvenile diplodocus. if an allosaurus pack was large, then they could tackle a fully grown diplodocus
Stegosaurus was very slow, with a top speed of 4 to 5 miles per hour because its hind limbs were so much longer than its forelimbs. Stegosaurus was 23 to 30 feet long and weighed up to 5.5 tons. Their best weapons were the four tail spikes, or thagomizers, they had. By pivoting on their hind legs, they could keep their tail toward their opponent and if they struck the enemy, it would receive a painful, sometimes even lethal, wound.
Iguanodon was up to 33 to 43 feet long and weighed about 3.5 tons on average. They were far faster than Stegosaurus, but the only weapons they had were the claws on their two thumbs.
In a fight, a clever Iguanodon would do its best to stay in front of the enemy and attack the Stegosaurus's face using its claws. However, the Stegosaurus would quickly pivot and try to strike the Iguanodon, and Iguanodon's claws wouldn't be enough to win the fight. Most likely it would be a standoff until the Iguanodon just gave up. Otherwise, the Stegosaurus would probably eventually win by delivering a nasty blow with its tail.
In real life, though, Iguanodon never encountered Stegosaurus. Even if they did, they were both peaceful herbivores and wouldn't have any reason to fight each other.
John cena would win in a fist fight an 50 cent would win in a in a gun fight
raiden would win
A lion would win because it can even kill a wolf.
That is a trick question, if the fight were to be near a lake or forest, the bear would win. If the fight were to take place up in a rocky place, the mountain lion would win. if the fight were to be in a lake, the crocodile would win.
Stegosaurus's only weapons were the four thagomizers, or tail spikes, that it had. Its plates wouldn't have protected its sides from attack, either. Ankylosaurus, however, was covered in nearly impenetrable bony armor and was armed with a bony tail club. The Stegosaurus could probably escape if it tried, but if it didn't flee the Ankylosaurus would almost certainly kill the Stegosaurus. Of course, this is all hypothetical. Herbivorous animals very rarely fight other herbivores of different species, not to mention that Ankylosaurus and Stegosaurus didn't live at the same time.
Pterodactylus was a flying reptile with a 5 foot wingspan. Stegosaurus was 30 feet long and had a powerful tail with spikes, called thagomizers, that could kill a large predator. Pterodactylus would never be able to beat a Stegosaurus in a fight, so it would simply flee. Because Pterodactylus could fly, Stegosaurus would not be able to chase it down and kill it Stegosaurus and Pterodactylus probably did encounter each other often, as they lived in the same place at the same time.
Sonic would win the fight, but sora would put in one hell of a fight.
John cena would win in a fist fight an 50 cent would win in a in a gun fight
I would win.
In an all-out fight (not race) a bear would win. In a race of speed, obviously the cheetah would win.
pacman would win and they are going to fight in may 2012
I think that Lady Gaga would win that fight!
In a fight, Confucius would win as Buddha is an enlightened pacifist and would not fight back.
chimp would win.....
a seal would win.