Okay first of all, dog fighting is illegal throughout the united states and most of the world. With that being said, I believe that the malamute would overpower the Rottweiler because of size. An average malamute male exceeds 100 pounds and has the closest relation to a regular wolf. The malamute also has a more advanced jaw structure and stronger skeletal system. So overall I believe the malamute would win due to genetic indifferences that allows for dominance of the malamute over the rottweiler. Lastly, REMEMBER that dog fighting is illegal so do NOT ever fight dogs against one another.
John cena would win in a fist fight an 50 cent would win in a in a gun fight
It's likely that the polar bear might win the fight. 2 black bears would first go for the grizzly bear and work together to swat that thing to death, but a grizzly bear would also fight back. If the grizzly bear did this, it might have a chance to win, but it could get seriously hurt. Then, the polar bear could kill the injure grizzly bear by biting that thing on the throat.
Both breeds will not fight a bull. They would only chace them.
That is a trick question, if the fight were to be near a lake or forest, the bear would win. If the fight were to take place up in a rocky place, the mountain lion would win. if the fight were to be in a lake, the crocodile would win.
raiden would win
It depends on the type of cat we are talking about, and the size of the alaskan malamute. If a large alaskan malamute fought a bobcat, the alaskan malamute would definitely win the fight. Against a siberian tiger, the alaskan malamute would be an easy target to be killed by the tiger.
38 cents. why would a malamute fang be worth anything?
Alaskan malemute will win this fight hands down, it,s too big and powerful for the pittbull, and plus they fight like wolves
No, because the alaskan malamute is not as powerful and big as a big cat. For instance, an alaskan malamute would not be able to kill a cougar or any big cat since the big cat would use its strength and claws to bring down the alaskan malamute. However, a pack of alaskan malamutes could kill any big cat.
In a hypothetical fight between a Doberman and an Alaskan Malamute, it is difficult to predict the outcome definitively as factors such as size, strength, and temperament can vary among individual dogs. However, generally speaking, Dobermans are known for their agility, speed, and protective instincts, making them formidable opponents in a physical confrontation. On the other hand, Alaskan Malamutes are large, strong, and have a thick coat that provides protection against bites and scratches. Ultimately, the outcome would depend on the specific circumstances of the encounter.
It deends on how the rotweiler acts. If its a good trained well behaved dog then they would probaly fight for a little while then they will be fine together.
Usually an Akita would be stronger than a Malamute, unless the Malamute was particularly large. Akitas are generally bigger and have more muscle tone/weight than Malamutes, so in most cases an Akita would be stronger.
Well, it will get warm. Consider having its fur trimmed down regularly.
my Alaskan malamute was around 800 and then 200 to fly her here from Alaska.they run around 700-1300. depending on color of fur and eyes.It depends on where you buy the puppy, but if it's a good breeder you should get your puppy for around $1000-2000.You want cheaper? Get an Alaskan malamute from a shelter or rescue. However, these Malamutes are probably not from the best pedigree and are most likely going to cost you more in the long run because of their health issues. One of their biggest health issues if hip dysplasia.
An Alaskan Malamute/Siberian Husky mix is a cross breed and a hybrid because a cross breed is a hybrid. In this case, a hybrid would be defined as the offspring of two different breeds of dogs which is what a cross breed is as well.
Probably the closest breed to a husky would be the Alaskan Malamute which is pretty much a stronger-built husky. Another similar breed could be a German Shepherd Dog, with its speed, strength, loyalty, and similarity to wolves. Or another breed could be the Alaskan Klee Kai, which is pretty much a miniature husky.
No, although the Alaskan Malamute is not a very common breed, it is definitely not rare. Alaskan Malamutes are widespread throughout the UK, America and Canada; plus most other parts of the World. A rarer Spitz type breed would be the Norwegian Elkhound.