OK there's a lot of differences.
Optimus Prime...
optimus Prime is stronger than Ratchet, Ironhide, Bumblebee, and Jazz. He already killed The Fallen before. He has never killed Megatron but he is still a little bit stronger than him. Optimus is stronger than Starscream. He has killed Blackout. Scorponok is AniCon so Optimus is stronger. So over all Optimus Prime wins Second I guess would be The Fallen Then Megatron Then Ironhide Then Ratchet Then Starscream Then Jazz Then Blackout Then Bumblebee And last Scorponok
the 7 godzillas
The elephant would win.
obviously army to army Persians would win by tactics but one to one a barbarian would win
optimus prime, because heros wins all the time.
Optimus Prime. He rips The Fallen's face off.
In a fight, Optimus Prime would have the advantage of weaponry and stability, and he is probably stronger because he does not require physical strength. He just needs his parts to function correctly.
the fallen or.... ME!
optimus prime
Optimus Prime.
I think optimus prime should win.
optimus prime
the fallen
optimus prime and predator
Optimus Prime.