Pachycephalosaurus would win, it could easily slam the Velociraptors to the ground.
IT would be a great fight and pretty close but at the end i think the grizzli bear would win a fiight but if it was a large pack of wolfs the wolfs would have a chance and probaly win...and the grey wolf is my favorit animal
A horse can kill just one wolf. Wolf pack would be a different story.
The elephant would win.
I think that due to it's greater speed, agility and strength a leopard would absolutely win against even two coyotes. However, coyotes hunt in packs and a pack might beat a leopard, but since the two species live in completely different areas, it's hard to tell for sure.
obviously army to army Persians would win by tactics but one to one a barbarian would win
Allosaurus would probably wind. Velociraptor was much smaller than their depiction in Jurassic Park, was no bigger than a turkey and probably not do much damage to Allosaurus, which was nearly as large as T. Rex.
There is no doubt that the pack of pirahnas would win, they are more agressive and have larger teeth
I would win
just one argentinosaurus the pack of t-rex would simply just win
The wolves would win easily but they may not be able to catch the greyhounds.
pack of wolves
I would say the raptors because they are bigger and have bigger teeth.
Pack of Timber Wolves will surely win the fight
the wolves would
A single cougar would win against a single husky, but a cougar would get killed by a pack of huskies.
Although a pack of hyena's have been known to defend against and kill a solitary lion, IMHO a pack of lions would tear a pack of hyenas to shreads.