it's about 50/50 but I say Dante would win because he has more expirience and powers than Nero
dante would win of course i mean alex mercer has sharpend weapons he wouldn't even stand a chance with dante dante don't even need devil trigger all he need to do is to cut the crap out of this guy that's it or if he doesnt than get devil trigger and kill him in two seconds dante is a god a half human half demon he cannot be killed he cannot its impossible alec mercer can die dante has his ways don't doubt the son of sparda
The elephant would win.
the lion will win.
the snake will win.
lakers !
dante would win of course i mean alex mercer has sharpend weapons he wouldn't even stand a chance with dante dante don't even need devil trigger all he need to do is to cut the crap out of this guy that's it or if he doesnt than get devil trigger and kill him in two seconds dante is a god a half human half demon he cannot be killed he cannot its impossible alec mercer can die dante has his ways don't doubt the son of sparda
Lions vs African Buffalo 60% Lion would Win !! lion vs Elephant 80% Elephant Would Win Lion Vs Tiger ? Tiger would win 90% Rhinoserous vs Lion Very Difficult for Lion zebra vs Lion ? Lion would win 80% giraffe vs Lion Lion would win 70% of the Time
hulk would destroy all of them. so hulk would win.
hulk will win.
The Chupacabra would win.
The elephant would win.
Hulk would win.
Superman would win
Gogeta would win that one.
us would win
your butt will win
the lion will win.