goku. thor can throw his thunder as much as he pleases but when goku throws his spirit bomb its all over. if that doesnt work than he can go Super Saiyan Four and dragon fist his face wide open.that or super kamehameha x10
Superman can survive the heart of a Star, even the filler character Brolly who was many times more powerful than Goku was killed by the Sun. In addition Superman's heat vision is off the charts in comparison to stars. Not to mention that his fists are planet busters as opposed to Goku's Kamehameha.
Red Stars weaken him faster than Kryptonite, and he's survived flying into them. So it has nothing to do with being his power source although flying thru a yellow or blue Star would power him up.
Noone in Dragonball has ever destroyed a Galaxy, including the filler characters Brolly, Bills and Whis. The Narrator claimed the South Galaxy was shattered, moments and you see a galaxy fade out.. Yet moments later they are in a solar system in the same galaxy people claimed Brolly destroyed. It would also be worth mentioning that if he could destroy a galaxy a Star wouldn't even phase him.. yet it killed him. As for Bills, Piccolo implies that the entire Galaxy will cease to be.. this is not confirmation that Bills could destroy a galaxy.. because as we saw with Brolly, Dragonball tends to use a lot of dramatic language in the form of hyperbole.
Superman is also too fast for Goku. Not that Goku is slow but the best speed feats in Dragonball are a fraction of the speeds Superman restricts himself to.
Gotenks' best feat showed he was SIGNIFICANTLY slower than the speed of light..which brings us back to the hyperbole used throughout the series.. as a number of times characters including Radditz have implied they were faster than light.
Goku's Instant Transmission has only ever crossed a solar system. Its also a form of teleportation not actual speed. One that he even said had limits.
It does depend on which version of Superman you're talking about, but that would be missing the point, which isn't to find a version of Superman that Goku could beat. (It would be equally ridiculous to use filler versions of Goku).
Goku ssj6 would win because Goku ssj1 can destroy the planet.
thor would win he can just absorb nami's bo-staff weather attacks and use them against her
"naruto easily" no. Naruto is a barely hypersonic mountainbuster. goku is a massively hypersonic large planetbuster. how can Naruto win this?
goku would win d}'\\]]\]{"}|-.0polk
Thor because 1. Hes a GOD ( not really) 2. Hes a GOD ( not really) 3. Hes in an accociation with Arnold Swarschanaeggar and Sylvester Stallone. Thor would lose if he fought the Hulk, Thor would be a tuff match,but Hulk would still win because Hulk can pick up Thor's hammer if Thor fights him long enough. Didn't you see the Avengers movie?? Hulk cannot pick up Thor's hammer. Thor would win because he has the capability of interstellar flight. The fight would lead to stalemate, unless Thor killed Bruce Banner secretly. Hulk cant get hurt. Neither can Thor. Whoever takes the head off first should win. So Thor would need to stick and move and not let Hulk get a grip on him. Throw the hammer at Hulk Trap hulk underneath the hammer Rip off his head. Thor is a better fighter.
I think that Goku would win. He is faster and stonge, and I can't imagine thor could handle a Kamehameha or a Spiritbomb .
Goku would win the battle because of his comeplete strength and his super fast flying which can easily knock Thor to the sun.
goku because thor cant power up and goku can probably Carrie thors hammer if he can carry the z sword
thor would win
If you mean win then Goku would win.
goku super saiyan would win for sure.
Goku would win cause I do not know anything about Anng but in battle between Sonic and Goku Sonic would kill Goku.
Goku would win. It has already happened.
Goku ssj6 would win because Goku ssj1 can destroy the planet.