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Well first off Voldemort could use the avada kedavra curse on Darth Vader which would kill him fast and easy so Voldemort.

Vader by force choking Voldemort, he don't need a wand remember

This is an interesting topic. Do you mind starting a discussion page here.

Darth Vader could beat him no problem.

Voldemort would win! does he not have horcruxes? Darth Vader would have to find and destroy all of them (and kill Harry Potter) which would take forever and by then Voldemort could have just shoot him with Avada Kedavra and kill him reall fast! burnn Darth Vader!

First of all this would be a very interesting match. Darth vadar has a light saber (which is almost useless against a wizard) and the force. Voldemort has a wand that can perform almost an unlimited amount of spells for him.

It seems that voldemort would win. But it all comes down to reaction time and who's quicker on the draw. Darth vadar can use force choke and voldemort can use the avada kedavra curse, with the use of his wand. Its true that some wizards can perform spells using their minds, but so can jedi and sith.

Since Vader is like the most powerfull sith of the time he could without a doubt just think about force choke and he's got voldemort. Its true that voldemort could do the same thing but even for an extremely powerfull wizard it would take a huge amount of concentration brain power.

Therefore on that alone Darth Vader would win but not by much. By the time voldemort has conjured up the strength and concentration to use the curse vadar would of already started choking. BTW somewhere i heard that electronics doesnt work around magic idk if its true but if that were to happen then Darth sidious aka the emperor would beat the crap out of voldemort.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

Darth Nihilus would unquestionably trump Darth Vader. Vader's sense permeated only throughout the range of about a solar system, while Nihilus could sense entire galaxies. Vader's strongest force skills were force choke and force storm. Nihilus made a habit of using the force to steal souls. He could wipe out entire planets solely with the force, and did so mercilessly. He also was very skilled at hand-to-hand combat. Vader wouldn't stand a chance.

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βˆ™ 6y ago

This match would pretty interesting to see. Two evil Dark Lords in a battle to see which one is the victor. I think in my opinion that Darth Sidious would destroy Voldemort. But, we can not forget that You-Know-Who has objects that are called Horcruxes. Darth Sidious would do what a Sith would do. He would either extract the information ( that tells him how Voldemort could become his most vulnerable ) out of Voldemort's mind with the Force or he could use brutal force such as pain. Once Sidious finds Voldemort's vulnerability he will go out for the objects that once belonged to Tom Riddle. He would destroy these Horcruxes with an object with basilisk venom. Meanwhile Lord Voldemort would try and stop the Sith Lord, but the Sith would keep him out of his way until all the Horcruxes are gone. Once they all are gone, he would engage a fight between him and Lord Voldemort. The Dark Lords pull out their weapons. Voldemort would shoot the Killing Curse but it will be stopped by the lightsaber. This duel would repeat and repeat until Darth Sidious would build up his anger and use a full blast of Force Lighting upon his enemy. After being hit with Force Lightning, Voldemort would be in pain and soon would be dead.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Darth Vader because he has the Sith on his side, and has a light saber. Edward Cullen only sparkles, so...

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βˆ™ 14y ago

The lightsaber is mightier than the butcher knife.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

edward cullen, because he will suck all the blood out of superman

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Darth Vader can choke Vader will win easily.

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