If it's military then Britain would easily pass Germany and destroy them literally, Britain has the resources, equipment, numbers, training and allies to keep up a fight
German Army: 95,000 20,000 of which are Conscripted into the Army
British Army: Over 320,000 of which all are full volunteer and fully professional
in this day and age there would not be a war like in second world war, now there are far to many nuclear weapons for a war involving more than three countries to battle out like the wars in the past. but, to answer the question "who would win" out of the above countries, most likely Britain due to the fact that it has the best trained and skilled armed force in the would. including the world famous S.A.S. saying this, it would be very close cut for any one of these reasons. one Germany make the best weapons including heckler and Koch, made famous from the S.A.S using the brand as its preferred weapon. France on the on the other hand France might have a chance. Britain.But Britain would win like in World War 2.
Well i am British and im afraid it would be a stalemate. Sweden has zero force projection capability so would not be able to threaten the UK with invasion.
The war would be an air battle over the North Sea between the two airforces. Britain would win this however im sure Sweden would not go all in and when it comes to invasion time the British fleet would be repulsed by the remaining Swedish fighters with anti ship missles.
In a few years when the royal navy has its new carriers whom could defend an invasion fleet this may change but it would be a draw right now.
Both sides are almost equal in terms of military technology, though the British Army has a slight edge due to India's use of some outdated Soviet weaponry. However, the Indian Army is far larger in terms of personnel and equipment. Even though much of the equipment is not as effective and the personnel are not as well trained, the Indians are almost equal, but their size is greater. In the air, the Indian Air Force is slightly larger, but its aircraft are all either equal to or less effective than the Royal Air Force's, but still highly advanced. At sea, the Indian Navy has more ships and aircraft, although they are less technologically advanced. In conventional terms, it is a draw.
However, if it was a nuclear exchange, India has the edge. Britain has 225 warheads against India's 100, but due to Britain's smallness, an Indian nuclear strike could devastate it. A British nuclear strike on India would do more damage but be less decisive due to India's sheer size.
I would say Germany because they have many great offensive players. But Spain is very good this will be agreat game.
The main fronts of world war two were: Western Front: Germany vs. Britain and later, America; Eastern Front: European Axis (Germany, Romania, Italy, Bulgaria, Finland & Albania) vs. Russia; Pacific Front: Japan vs. America; Atlantic Front: US vs. Germany; North African Front: Italy and Germany vs. Britain, America, and France; and the Italian Front: Germany & Italy vs. America, Britain, etc. Axis: Germany, Japan, Italy, etc. Allied: America, Britain, Russia, etc. Not to mention the war in Asia the Pacific against Japan.
Germany vs Britain in the air.
Lions vs African Buffalo 60% Lion would Win !! lion vs Elephant 80% Elephant Would Win Lion Vs Tiger ? Tiger would win 90% Rhinoserous vs Lion Very Difficult for Lion zebra vs Lion ? Lion would win 80% giraffe vs Lion Lion would win 70% of the Time
hulk would destroy all of them. so hulk would win.
hulk will win.
The Chupacabra would win.
The elephant would win.
Hulk would win.
Germany won 4-1. Britain had a goal that was missed by the referee (it hit the crossbar went in and came out).
Superman would win
Gogeta would win that one.