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Q: Who wins the fight in the 2011 movie Warrior?
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Tommy wins the fight at the end of Warrior. He ultimately emerges victorious in a hard-fought battle against his brother, Brendan, becoming the champion of the tournament.

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spratan wins in the end but they both have an edge on two things

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Flint wins the first skiz fight in "The Legend".

Who is the deadliest warrior?

Season 1: The Apache wins against the Gladiator, the Samurai wins against the Viking, the Spartan wins against the Ninja, the Pirate wins against the Knight, the Mafia wins against the Yakuza, the Spetnaz wins against the Green Beret, the Shaolin Monk wins against the Maori Warrior, William Wallace wins against Shaka Zulu, and the IRA wins against the Taliban. Back for Blood Special: The Spartan wins against the Samurai, and the Spetsnaz wins against the IRA. Season 2: The SWAT wins against the GSG-9, Atilla the Hun wins against Alexander the Great, the Jesse James Gang wins against the Al Capone Gang, the Zande Warrior wins against the Aztec Jaguar, the Nazi Waffen SS wins against the Viet Cong, the Rajput Warrior wins against the Roman Centurion, the Somali Pirates win against the Medellin Drug Cartel, the Persian Immortal wins against the Celt Warrior, the CIA wins against the KGB. Vlad the Impaler wins against Sun Tzu, the French Musketeers wins against the Ming Warriors, the Comanche wins against the Mongol, and the Navy SEALs win against the Israeli Commandos.

Was Chuck Norris in enter the dragon?

Yes, Bruce and Chuck have a fight in the movie. It takes place in the Roman Colosseum and Bruce wins the fight.

Who does Chuck Norris fight in the final dual in the movie Way of the Dragon and what is the outcome?

He fights with Bruce Lee in the Colloseum in Rome. It is a fairly even fight, but Bruce Lee wins, killing Chuck.

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Batman won their only fight, but through use of kryptonite. In the end, they came together for the greater good.

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Romeo wins. Paris dies.

What is the plot of the movie 'Rambo 3'?

The plot of the movie Rambo 3 is that the government needs Rambo to fight some bad people. Rambo then attacks the bad people and wins, and saves the world.

How many wins did Ricky Romero have in the 2011 season?

In the 2011 season, Ricky Romero had 15 wins.