Goku ssj6 would win because Goku ssj1 can destroy the planet.
Aokiji soundly defeated Luffy in their first encounter. Luffy had no way around Aokiji's logia-type powers. Now Luffy's trained his haki skills, he can at least hit him, and it would be interesting to see how the heat generated from Gear Second may work against Aokiji's frozen attacks. However now Aokiji has resigned from the marines, there doesn't really seem a reason for them to fight.
luffy would most definetly win although looking it up, if luffy did the 1000 degree bazooka, plastic man would not live very long.
"naruto easily" no. Naruto is a barely hypersonic mountainbuster. goku is a massively hypersonic large planetbuster. how can Naruto win this?
Luffy actually both of them because both of them are jackshit at smartness but when it comes to fighting both can go beyond to win.
THAT isn't even a fair fight goku can destroy planets REALLY?????? goku doesnt need to go super sayian to defeat luffy> :D
Goku ssj6 would win because Goku ssj1 can destroy the planet.
Aokiji soundly defeated Luffy in their first encounter. Luffy had no way around Aokiji's logia-type powers. Now Luffy's trained his haki skills, he can at least hit him, and it would be interesting to see how the heat generated from Gear Second may work against Aokiji's frozen attacks. However now Aokiji has resigned from the marines, there doesn't really seem a reason for them to fight.
luffy would most definetly win although looking it up, if luffy did the 1000 degree bazooka, plastic man would not live very long.
Goku would win because he has super strength. And Goku is stronger.
Base Goku solos narutoverse.
In terms of character, luffy has by far the most intersting charater and depth. In battle, goku murderstomps the lot of them.
lol Goku would kill Hancock no contest. how about Goku's Kamehameha vs. Hancock's zagnut bar.rofl
"naruto easily" no. Naruto is a barely hypersonic mountainbuster. goku is a massively hypersonic large planetbuster. how can Naruto win this?