William Powell
tyrone power
erroyl flynn
clark gable
Douglas fairbanks jr.
Spencer Tracy, Clark Gable, James Stewart, Burt Lancaster, Kirk Douglas, John Wayne, Audie Murphy, Gary Cooper,
The cast of Georges Braque - 1950 includes: Arletty
The cast of Nowa sztuka - 1950 includes: Andrzej Lapicki as Narrator
rock hudson
Clifton Webb starred in the 1950 version.
The cast of Hands Tell the Story - 1950 includes: Art Gilmore as Narrator
NO The Star Wars movies have more leading male actors than leading female actors. In other words, more boys than girls.
famous leading actor in the 1950's is Tony Curtis
JosŽ Ferrer won the Oscar for Best Actor in a Leading Role in 1950.
Screen Actors - 1950 was released on: USA: 13 May 1950
An average male made about $3, 216..
bob dillian
All the actors at the Globe Theatre were male.
What types of advertising started in the 1950's leading up until 2009?
there were none
The cast of Unser Christbaum 1950 - 1950 includes: Hannes Schiel as Narrator
The cast of The Actor - 1950 includes: Murad
The cast of Chor - 1950 includes: Cuckoo