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The Five who fought the titans were: Athena, Zeus, Poseidon, Apollo and assumed Heracles was the fifth unnamed--from the cast list. Ares was the god Zeus condemned with a flaming whip.

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Q: Who were the gods in the movie immortals?
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Who were the immortals in ancient times?

the gods or pharrohs

Is there such a thing as immortals?

It depends on what religion your in or looking at to what the answer is.....but most gods are immortal and in some you can earn a life after death

How did the Greek Gods die in the film Immortals?

They were killed by the titans.

Who was killed by Zeus in the immortals movie?

Apollo is the God that Zeus kills in Immortals.

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They have Ichor, the golden blood of the gods.

What are three immortals from greek myths?

Greek mythology has more than three immortals, the gods themselves were immortal, such as Zeus, Hades and Poseidon.

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Rated R

Is the book EVERMORE from the immortals series a movie?

no it has not

Is there any difference to immortals and gods?

Immortal can be anyone who doesn't die. Gods are usually associated with a whole bunch more of special powers beyond that.

Who is worshipped in Daoist shrines?

Usually you will see the Immortals being worshipped, because the gods are somewhat aloof, while Immortals are more interested in the welfare of humans. Immortals are somewhat like Christian saints, but much more powerful. They achieved perfect goodness and knowledge in their former lives and escaped the cycle of rebirth, to live in heaven. Daoism also has a great many gods, and various of these are worshipped on special occasions.