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Robert Hooke.

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Q: Who was the scientist who described cells as many little boxes?
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Who called cells tiny boxes?

Robert Hooke, an English scientist, called cells "tiny boxes" when he observed them through a microscope in 1665 and coined the term "cell" to describe their appearance in a piece of cork.

English scientist who first saw little boxes?

Robert Hooke, an English scientist, is credited with first observing and describing "little boxes" or cells in cork under a microscope in the 17th century. This discovery marked the beginning of the field of cell biology.

Who was Scientist that first described cells?


Who was the first scientist first to described cells?

i think the fist scientist to describe a cell was ROBERT HOOKE because he was the one who wrote about them in the first place.

Who discovered that cork is made of little empty boxes called cells?

Robert Hooke, an English scientist, discovered the existence of cells in cork under a microscope in 1665. He observed and described the cellular structure as resembling small, empty boxes, which he called "cells." This was an important contribution to the field of biology and the development of the cell theory.

Who is the scientist that first described cells?

The scientist who first described cells is Robert Hooke. In 1665, he used a microscope to observe cork cells and coined the term "cell" to describe the small box-like structures he saw.

The scientist who gave cells their name was?

The scientist who gave cells their name was Robert Hooke, a 17th-century English scientist. He observed plant cells under a microscope and described them as resembling tiny rooms or cells, hence coining the term "cells."

Who was the first scientist to observed that cork was composed of tiny hollow boxes that he called cells?

Robert Hooke

Scientist who first described cells?

The scientist who first described cells was Robert Hooke in the 17th century. In 1665, he observed compartments in cork under a microscope and likened them to the cells (Latin word for "small room") of a monastery. This discovery laid the foundation for the field of cell biology.

Who was the scientist that first observed cells under a microscope?

Robert Hooke is credited with being the scientist who first observed cells under a microscope. He observed and described cells in a thin slice of cork in his book "Micrographia" published in 1665.

Who isThe scientist who first who first described living cells seen through a simple microscope?

Robert hooke

What scientist first discovered cells?

The first scientist to discover and name cells was Robert Hooke. In 1665, he observed and described cells in cork under a microscope, calling them "cells" because they reminded him of small rooms or monastery cells.