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I don't think there was one in RED but in The Losers it was Zoe Saldana

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Q: Who was the girl in the movie Red that had a rocket launcher?
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get a sniper and avoid the red man till the sniper ammo is full then get a rocket launcher rocket the red mans back go on top of the lifted deck closest to the health and snipe them and get ten kills if u need to use the rocket launcher

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Blow up the red crystals under him with a rocket launcher/shotgun. to keep him from helaing destroy the crystals on the ground

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Rocket Red was created in 1987.

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Just spray paint a red launcher black. (There is only a red launcher). i visited , it is a bakugan specialty shop, and i did not see a black launcher. I guess he's right, just spay paint :)

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Rocket Red Brigade was created in 1987.

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Red Rocket Rising was created on 2006-11-01.

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Red toy translates as rotes Spielzeug.

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