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I believe it was Ricky Ricardo of I LOVE LUCY.

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Q: Who was the first Hispanic American to star in a sitcom?
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Was desi arnaz the first hispanic on a television show?

Yes, Desi Arnaz is widely recognized as the first Hispanic actor to star in a regular leading role on an American television show. He played the character of Ricky Ricardo in the classic sitcom "I Love Lucy" which aired from 1951 to 1957. Arnaz's portrayal of Ricky Ricardo was groundbreaking and helped break barriers for representation of Hispanics on television.

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The co-star of I Love Lucy, Desi Arnez was the first Hispanic man to star on a regular TV show. Whether he was THE first Hispanic man to simply appear on TV has been lost to history.

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The first Hispanic person to star on a television show was Desi Arnaz, the Cuban-born husband of Lucille Ball. He starred with her on I Love Lucy, which started in 1951.

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