The father of the MacManus brothers in the Boondock Saints was named Noah MacManus. His code name when he was a hit man was "Il Duce". The character was played by William "Billy" Connolly, Jr.
As of early 2014, all four of the Wayans brothers, and their older brother Dwayne, are alive.
Alexander Rae Baldwin, Jr is the father of the Baldwin Brothers... Daniel, Steven, Alec and William.
They're related by having the same father but different mothers, so they are half brothers.
The Gracchi brothers were Gaius and Tiberius Gracchus. They both served as tribunes in Ancient Rome. Their father was Tiberius Gracchus major, also known as Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus.
The "Saints" are brothers Connor McManus (Sean Patrick Flanery) and Murphy McManus (Norman Reedus), and their father, Noah MacManus (Billy Connolly) Their father is also called Il Duce. He is the one who shot off Rocco's finger.
the duce is the father from the move the boondock saints
The Boondock Saints prayer is spoken in Latin. It is a variation of the traditional prayer "In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti" (In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit).
Eli and Peyton Manning are brothers and their father is Archie Manning.
Although many think the prayer originates from the holy bible, it is not. The prayer was the creation of the Director Troy Duffy and his father. The only part of the prayer that is from the Holy Bible is the latin part, "In nomeni Patri et Filii et Spiritus Sancti", which translates to "In the name of the father, of the son, and the Holy Spirit"
The MacManus family prayer reads: "And shepherds we shall be For thee, my Lord, for thee Power hath descended forth from thy hand That our feet may swiftly carry out thy command And we shall flow a river forth to thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti" The last line is a Latin phrase, which translates to "In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit".
Peyton Their father was Archie Manning who played for Ole Miss in 1970's and was quarterback for the New Orlean Saints.
Father Serra had 2 brothers
no, unfortunantely, they are not. true brothers are born to the same mother and the same father.
father junipero serra had two brothers! and two siters
the wright brothers