He best known by the Duke of Zhou. He inherited the city of Lu as a present from his father. Who was the King of Zhou. The Duke of Zhou's original name was Ji Dan and his ascendants adopted the name of the city as their surname.
Peggy Lu is 5' 3".
Lu Kanru died in 1978.
Euodias Lu goes by HyunJae.
Lu Grimaldi was born on June 20, 1954, in So Paulo, So Paulo, Brazil.
One of the sister's son
yes lu lu is a bell she is cute and the color is black - withe
Kexin Lu goes by Lu Ke.
The name Lu is of Chinese origin.The meaning of Lu is "light".Lu, is generally used as a girl's name.
Lu Guangzhao has written: 'Paintings of Lu Guangzhao'
.lu was created in 1995.
Lu You was born in 1125.
Lu You died in 1210.
Xiaoman Lu has written: 'Lu Xiaoman shi wen'
Ti Lu's birth name is Lu Hsi-chieh.
Lu Corfield is 5' 8".
Which Lu Chen ?Taiwanese Magician Lu Chen that i know was born in Taiwan,Kaohsiung... of the other Lu Chen i have no idea
Markus Lu pertz has written: 'Markus Lu pertz'