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Diana ross

Donna summer

gladys knight

aretha Franklin

Minnie Ripperton

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13y ago
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15y ago

All, I'm thinking is Lady Gaga. She used to have long hair, but she cut it.

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13y ago

Katy Perry, old Rihanna, Nicole Scherzinger, Selena Gomez

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16y ago

It was Joyce Bryant.

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Debbie Harry (Blondie)

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Donna Summer

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Whitney Peyton

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skunk anansie :]

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Q: Who was the black female singer that had a bald head?
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What markings are on the female bald eagle that are not on the male?

A head

Which bird has a bald head and a brown body?

Bald eagles have a feathered, white head and a brown body. Vultures usually have featherless, bald heads and brown or black bodies.

If you cross a bald male with a carrier female would the son be bald?

The answer is no, if you cross a bald male with a carrier femal the son would not be bald. Unless he were on medication for cancer, or you shaved his head.

Dose a bald eagle have feathers?

Yes, they do. In fact, they are not bald at all. The feathers on their head is white with the rest of the body brown and black.

How do you spell bald head?

That is the correct spelling of "bald head" (adjective bald or bald-headed).

Is Brad Paisley Bald?

Brad is not bald. He gives his signature whit cowboy hat away at every concert. He has a thick head of black hair (with a severe case of hat-head).

What bird has a bald head and a brown body and a scavenge?

The bald eagle has a white, feathered head and brown body. Vultures typically have truly bald, that is, featherless, heads and can have brown or black bodies.

What do you call a human being who doesn't have a single hair on his head?

A person without hair on their head can be called bald or hairless.

What state is bald head in?

Bald Head lighthouse is located in the country Brunswick, NC.

How do you be bald in woozworld?

To be bald in woozworld you first need to buy a bald head then you wear it then your bald :)

What is a scavenging bird with a bald head and brown body?

Vultures typically have featherless heads, and can be brown or black, depending on the species. Bald eagles are brown, and are also partly scavengers, but their heads are not bald, but covered with white feathers.

Is country singer Keith Anderson bald. He always wears a do-rag?

I think he is i think he shaves his head i have a pic of Keith with dark brown hair