2003 was the year Rollo Weeks starred in Girl With A Pearl Earring. In the movie, he played Frans alongside the main stars, Colin Firth as Johaness Vermeer and Scarlett Johansonn as Griet.
girl = actress boy = actor
An actress is a girl. An actor is a boy.
The dirt girl actress is maree lowes
Jennifer Aniston
Girl with a Pearl Earring was released on 12/12/2003.
The Production Budget for Girl with a Pearl Earring was $12,000,000.
Why must she represent something else than a girl with a pearl earring?
Girl with a Pearl Earring - novel - has 256 pages.
Girl with a Pearl Earring grossed $43,281,552 worldwide.
Girl with a Pearl Earring grossed $11,634,362 in the domestic market.
The artist, Vermeer
Johannes Vermeer
Johannes Vermeer