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Well from my understanding I believe that there where a lot of DJs although i think one of them was named Darrin Docker.

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Q: Who was the DJ for Kube 93 first summer jam?
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What are some of the articles that one can find from Kube 93?

Kube 93 is a radio station in Seattle Washington. Their business address is 645 Elliott Avenue West, Suite 400, Seattle, Washington 98119. One place a request for songs from Kube 93.

Where is the tman from Kube 93 at now?

Out of the limelight and nowhere to be found? Just never regained the popularity he had on KUBE.

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What is t-man from kube 93 seattle doing now?

He's on 950 am kjr sports. I think 7pm.

How do you change a front wheel on a Saab 93?

you must first remove the axle then watch some tv. then toast some lovely crumpets and tea with jam.

What are the release dates for Mansome - 2012 Summer Cocktails 2-93?

Mansome - 2012 Summer Cocktails 2-93 was released on: USA: 10 July 2013

When was The Painted door first published?

Queen's Quarterly 46 (Summer 1939): 145-68. LNOS, 93-112.

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In summer of 2008 we drove a 93 Corsica from Wisconsin to California, loaded with our belongings, and averaged 30-32 mpg of summer gas.

What is the correct tier rim size for a 93 Chevy silverado?

16" There is a sticker on the drivers door jam that will tell you.

What is summer like in Russia?

93 degrees (f)

What is the normal running temp of a 93 Crown Victoria in summer with ac on?

Enging running temp is around 230 degrees in summer

What are the color codes for the stock radio of a 93 Ford Escort GT?

driverside door jam just above exterior paint colors