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Q: Who was the 2009 American girl girl of the year?
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Where was American Girl of the Year 2009 filmed?

summer 2008

Who is the next American girl of the year?

The American Girl for 2009 is Chrissa Maxwell. If you go to, you can see more about her.

American Girl dolls sold in 2009?

All dolls were sold in 2009 except for Samantha, who retired at the beginning of 2009. Chrissa was the girl of the year (GOTY)

What is the 2009 Girl of the Year of American Girl?

Here name isChrissa MaxwellChrissa and her friends Sonali and Gwen

What does the American girl doll Caroline look like?

look up American girl doll 2009 girl of the year and it will tell you

Are they ever going to repeat American Girl Dolls of the year?

Most likely not. Each year the American Girl Doll of the year changes. American Girl most likely will not repeat American Girl Dolls of the year.

American girl of the year 2002?

Between 2001 and 2004, Girl of the year dolls were out for two years. So Lindsey was still the American Girl of the Year in 2002. And Kailey was the American Girl of the Year from 2003 to 2004.

What was the American girl doll for 2009?

It was Chrissa.

Do you have to write to American girl to become girl of the year?

To tell the truth, I think you need special "connections"with American girl to become a girl of the year. The reason why is because so MANY girls write to American girl requesting to have an American girl of the year made after them. This is why they created my American girl (just like you). Sorry to disappoint you!

Who is the American Girl Girl of the Year doll going to be for 2015?

American Girl has not announced who the 2015 Girl of the Year will be. She is likely still being developed.

What is American girl girl of the year 2013?

Saige Copeland is the girl of the year 2013

Is the American girl doll of the year chosen from a real girl?

No I do not think so. All of these American girl of the year are all made up.