No, but while John Travolta was not considered, the classic Star Wars role was not originally intended for Harrison Ford. Christopher Walken and Nick Nolte were considered to play Han Solo before Ford, as was a black actor by the name of Glynn Turman.
Kurt Russell, Nick Nolte, Christopher Walken, Jack Nicholson, Al Pacino, Chevy Chase, Steve Martin, Bill Murray and Perry King were all candidates for the role of Han Solo, as George Lucas wanted to stay away from any actors he had previously used in his films. Harrison Ford (who had played Bob Falfa in Lucas's American Graffiti (1973)) read the part of Han Solo for screen tests of other characters but wasn't originally considered for the part. During these tests George Lucas realized Harrison Ford was perfect for the role.
AnswerMark Hamill played Luke in episodes 4, 5, and 6.Aiden Barton played him as a baby at the end of episode 3.Mark Hamil played luke skywalker in star wars episode 4, 5, and 6. The star wars was very exciting as Hamil played it, providing you with a sense of awesomeness into the trilogy.
Mara Jade Skywalker (Luke Skywalker's wife)
Robby Benson Robert Englund William Katt
They offered him the movie role and he had rejected it for fear of being typecast after being The Fonz with the leather coat on Happy Days.
Luke Halpin , who played in the role of Sandy Ricks , now lives in Florida .
Mark Hamill
AnswerMark Hamill played Luke in episodes 4, 5, and 6.Aiden Barton played him as a baby at the end of episode 3.Mark Hamil played luke skywalker in star wars episode 4, 5, and 6. The star wars was very exciting as Hamil played it, providing you with a sense of awesomeness into the trilogy.
A friend who heard about the role told him he should audition for the part, which he did and got it.
Mara Jade Skywalker (Luke Skywalker's wife)
Robby Benson Robert Englund William Katt
No, Mark Hamill is an actor best known for his role as Luke Skywalker in the Star Wars franchise. He is not a major producer of fireworks in America.
Wesley Snipes
For men they think he is a role model or something and I love Anakin Skywalker. I mean he is played by a Canadian Hayden Christensen. People think that Hayden did a crappy job when I ignore them. He did do a good job.
Obi Wan was a Jedi Master who played a role in the fate of the galaxy of the Galactic Republic. He was a mentor to both Anakin and Luke Skywalker in training them in the ways of the force.
Mark Hamill is known for being friendly, humorous, and approachable. He is also passionate about his work in the entertainment industry, especially his iconic role as Luke Skywalker in the Star Wars franchise.
Darth Vader (Anakin Skywalker) represents the father of Luke Skywalker, but in movies 4,5, and 6, he represents more of a negative role model to Luke and Leah. He is the basic result of what happens if Luke were to join the dark side. You can tell this connection in the final movie when Luke and Darth's hands are cut off but both show zapping robotics coming out of their arms, which is a very powerfull moment in the movie. This is my answer. Have a nice day
While Mark Hamill is best known for his role of Luke Skywalker in Star Wars, he also portrays the Joker in several animated Batman series as well as in the game Arkham Asylum.