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An Enlightenment philosophe who believed in the goodness of human nature.

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Bonnie Monahan

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3y ago
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Addie Douglas

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Social Contract :)

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15y ago

Famous philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau was born June 28, 1712 to a watchmaker and minister's daughter (who died after giving birth) in Geneva, Switzerland. In 1725 he was an apprentice for an engraver but only three years later he ran away from his apprenticeship to Italy, France and Switzerland, during this time he converts to Catholicism and became a musician and composer. Also, during this period he developed an interest in philosophy and educating others of his philosophical ideas. Rousseau is considered to be one of the first writers to seriously attack the institution of private property; as a result he was considered a grandparent of modern socialism. Rousseau's emphasized that politics and morality should not be separated. He believed that everyone was naturally born a good person but it was the things around people that result in the corruption of people. Rousseau also had different beliefs of how the education system should work. He believed that the bookwork per se, wasn't as important has the experience and emotions obtained through learning. His publications include: Discourse on the Sciences and the Arts, Discourse on Inequality, Letter to d'Alembert, Heloise, Emile and The Social Contract. He continued to produce works until he died of apoplexy on July 2, 1778.

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13y ago

Jean Jacques Rousseau WAS aphilosaphor who livedin Switserland then moved to France. He was born within the year of 1712. He had DIED of a Hemorrahage at the age 66. In the year of 1778. He had 5 children bit gave them up for adoption. He hadn't belived in having children...And I am a decendent :3

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11y ago

Jean-Jacques Rousseau was a Genevan composer, writer and philosopher in the 18th century.

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13y ago

he is a famous artists who lived in France he painted many pictures of jungles but had never been to see one.

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15y ago

a french post-impressionist who made many jungle style paintings in a childlike manner. He was critically acclaimed for some of his work and has many famous ones in galleries

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