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She was Sandra Brennan.

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Q: Who was heroine of Blow Hot Blow Cold?
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Are laptops meant to blow out hot air or cold air on your fan?

Hot air because it is blow out the hot air from the inside of the laptop.

Who was the lead artists of the Hollywood movie blow hot blow cold?

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Blow hot blow cold English movie crimebased?

inhuman crime, and inhumane indeed.

Cold Mountain heroine?

Ada, played by Nicole Kidman, is the heroine of "Cold Mountain".

What does blow hot and cold mean?

It means that you constantly are changing your mood.

Why do your heaters blow cold when engine temp is hot?

It might be broken

Why is a person who changes his mind is said to blow hot and cold?

because if you change your mind a lot, you are bound to change the way you think about something. In other words, you opinion will change as implied as the "hot and cold". If you "blow hot and cold" that simply means you believe in two different viewpoints. ;]

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One of the reasons a 2000 Jeep Cherokee heater would randomly blow cold air and then hot air and then cold might be that there is a problem with the hot/cold duct. The air or a vent might be inadvertently blowing periodically.

Why does car blow hot and cold air when in ac mode?

If it's cold outside do you want cold air blasting when you get in your car?

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Why does my Lincoln LS V8 Blow cold air on one side and hot air on the other side

Why would heater blow out hot in the summer and cold in the winter?

Could be a bad thermostat.

Why does my frontera blow out cold air but not hot?

You have run out of coolant, or the heater matrix is blocked.