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Q: Who was christian x bodyguard in number the stars?
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In number the stars who was the king?

The real-life King in Number the Stars was King Christian X.

Who was the beloved King of Denmark in Number the Stars?

The beloved King of Denmark mentioned in "Number the Stars" was King Christian X. He was admired for his courage and compassion during the Danish resistance to the Nazi occupation in World War II.

What was chapter two about in Number the Stars by Lois Lowry?

It was about king Christian x and how everyone would protect him

What is the king of denmarks name in the book Number the Stars by Lois Lowry?

The King of Denmark and in real life was King Christian X.

Who is King Christian X in Number the Stars by Lois Lowry?

In "Number the Stars" by Lois Lowry, King Christian X is the king of Denmark during World War II. He is known for his symbolic resistance to the German occupation of Denmark, including wearing a yellow star in solidarity with Danish Jews. His actions helped to inspire the Danish people to protect and rescue their Jewish neighbors during the Holocaust.

What is King Christian X's horse's name in the book Number the Stars?

The horse's name is Lady. She is a symbol of courage, strength, and hope in the story, representing the resilience of the Danish people during World War II.

Who is Jubilee in Number the Stars?

Jubilee is Christian X's horse who he rides down the streets of Copenhagen on each morn.

Who is jubilee in number of stars?

Jubilee is a character in the comic book series "X-Men" by Marvel Comics. She is a mutant with the ability to generate colorful energy plasmoids. She is known for her optimistic personality and acrobatic fighting style.

Who rode through the streets of Copenhagen with all of denmark as his guard?

the man who rode by in Number The Stars is a real man named King Christian X

Who is Christian X of Denmark?

Christian X was king of Denmark from 1912 to 1947.

How tall is King Christian X?

King Christian X is 6' 7".

How did scientists find out about how many stars were in the sky?

They didn't. There are only rough estimates, and only for the so-called "observable Universe". Even in our own galaxy, estimates for the number of stars vary from 100 to 400 billion (1 x 1011 to 4 x 1011) stars.