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Eloise broady

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Q: Who was blond in bikini in Weekend at Bernie's?
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The movie where a man has an arrow in his head?

weekend at bernies 2

Who starred in the movie Weekend at Bernies?

Weekend at Bernies was one of the funniest movies of 1989. It starred Andrew McCarthy and Jonathan Silverman who discover their boss played by Terry Kiser is dead.

What is the movie with only man and all other girls?

weekend at Bernies.

What is the name of the comedy film where a dead or cursed man begins walking when music is played?

Weekend at Bernies 2.

What is the name of that movie with the dead guy who has a lot of money and his friends dress him up and bring him everwhere like a puppet?

The name of the movie is Weekend at Bernies.

What is Catherine Mary Stewart most famous for?

Catherine Mary Stewart is a Canadian actress. She has appeared in the soap opera, "Days of Our Lives" and was also in the movie, "Weekend at Bernies".

A comedy film made in 1980s a dead person only moves when he hears music Anyone knows the film?

Hehe I found it guys. Weekend at bernies :P

What is the name of the comedy movie where a voodoo curse is put on a dead body so that every time Caribbean music is playing it gets up and starts dancing?

Weekend at Bernies 2..!

What should you bring on a weekend trip with your man?

Lots of pretty skirts and dresses and a string bikini!

Watch free online bikini girls on ice 2009?

Watch Bikini Girls On Ice movie online if you are looking for an ultimate enjoyment this weekend. This movie has it all what you can expect from a Hollywood movie. The amazing storyline and interesting characters will surely make you fall in love with it. So, just get started and download Bikini Girls On Ice movie.

Is bernies a pronoun?

Since there is no word in English spelled 'bernies', I'm going to assume that you mean the plural of the proper noun 'Bernie', the name of a person (often a nickname for Bernard or Bernadette). Proper nouns are always capitalized.The word Bernies is a plural noun.The word Bernie's is a singular possessive noun.A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun in a sentence. Examples:The two Bernies are cousins. (plural noun)They both attend college. (plural personal pronoun)Bernie's bicycle is new. (singular possessive noun)He bought the bicycle to ride to work. (singular personal pronoun)

What movies have the word weekend in the title?

Saturday Night's All Right For Fighting - Elton John Saturday in the Park - Chicago S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y N-I-G-H-T - The Bay City Rollers Another Saturday Night - Sam Cooke Come Saturday Morning - The Sandpipers American Saturday Night - Brad Paisley Saturday Night Special - Lynrd Skynrd Saturday Night at the Movies - The Drifters Saturday Morning Confusion - Bobby Russell