Yes, it is true; on November 23, 2009, Justin Bieber broke his right foot. He broke while singing "One Time," when he tripped down the ramp and his foot got twisted. He went on with the show, however, after which he went to the hospital. You could hear the pain in his voice. He broke it in the London (I think ) He was opening for Taylor Swift. Tay. Stayed with him the whole time.
A lot of them are. It's hard to know if some of the answers are true because Justin Bieber has never formally addressed the question. Things like 'What is Justin Bieber's favorite toothpaste?' may not be answered correctly. But otherwise, many of the questions about Justin Bieber are correctly answered.
his vocal chord was stretched so he has falsetto syndrome (high voice for life)
Well,it depends because I saw a couple in a magazine from Walmart."(Those people are rude cuz shes not going to hurt J.B.(JUSTIN BIEBER)
Justin Bieber does have an official Facebook page for fans (but he does not have a personal facebook profile-- any "Justin Bieber" you may find is not his real profile). Always look for official fan pages to talk to celebrities; there's no other way to know whether you are talking to an impostor who may want to hurt you, so be careful.He also has an official Myspace, Youtube, and verified Twitter page as well.The links are below.WikiAnswers does not disclose personal information about people, famous or non-famous alike, due to privacy regulations and WikiAnswers policies. This includes personal phone numbers (cell or house phones), personal email accounts, personal social networking profiles, or personal addresses. There are, however, official fan sites where you can contact him.We can assume that Justin Bieber does not have a personal account because1) He would have too many friend requests2) He would have a lot of stalkers3) He doesn't have time for facebook
usher in Dubai
ya he hurt his ankel (foot) opening for Taylor swift
Taylor Swift, and it wasnt his ankle. It was his foot that he broke.
Justin hurt his foot while on stage singing a song.
He was at a preformance.
He was opening for Taylor swift when he fell and broke his ankle, he even managed to finish the song with a broken foot.
he was opening at a Taylor swift concert in London and his left foot hit the end of the ramp and it broke in the middle of the song.
Taylor Swift
He was performing at a Taylor Swift concert
He still did it even none it hurt him. He still did it
Yes, Justin bieber was sick .
He was opening up in a concert and went to touch people's hands in the audience, then he hurt his foot when he leaned over.