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freddy kruger (alive) was a child murder who killed 20 kids on elm street... the parents of elm street found him after he was released from jail in old boiler room where he used to take his kids. the parents put gasoline all over and burned him and the boiler room to death. he came back a few years later and resumed his killing spree. he cam back to get revenge on the parents by killing there children.

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Q: Who was Freddy Kruger and what happened to him?
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What is Freddy short for?

As far as I know, Freddy Kruger's full, given name is Fred Kruger.

How is Freddy kruger unkillable?

He is fictional.

When was Freddy kruger born and when did he die?

Freddy Kruger is a fictional movie character. Since he is fictional he was never born and therefore can never die.

Did Freddy Kruger ever exist?

No. Certainly child serial killers exist & have existed but none were the basis for Freddy Kruger.

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Our dear Freddy has four, for his right hand i think it is.

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What was Freddy Krueger?

Parents killed freddy kruger because he raped and killed some of their kids and they wanted revenge so they burned him up. Now it is his job to kill the children of the parents who killed freddy in the fire. Freddy Kruger can NEVER DIE because he is a type of demon with a spirit that can not be killed. So they made about 10 freddy kruger movies but he never ever died if you wanna know the truth. 😱😠😡 If you dont know who the real person who plays freddy kruger his name is Robert Edglund Bye Hope you learned something about him

What was Freddy kruegers job?

Parents killed freddy kruger because he raped and killed some of their kids and they wanted revenge so they burned him up. Now it is his job to kill the children of the parents who killed freddy in the fire. Freddy Kruger can NEVER DIE because he is a type of demon with a spirit that can not be killed. So they made about 10 freddy kruger movies but he never ever died if you wanna know the truth. 😱😠😡 If you dont know who the real person who plays freddy kruger his name is Robert Edglund Bye Hope you learned something about him