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Brooke Shields has starred in many other films besides Blue Lagoon. In 1978, she starred in Pretty Baby. The next year, she starred in Wanda Nevada. She has also starred in Endless Love.
Paul Newman starred in Hud, made in 1963
Steve Martin and Darryl Hannah starred in Roxanne.
Michael Douglas and Demi Moore starred in Disclosure.
Every Which Way but Loose - song - was created in 1978-12.
Any which way you can.
You can find reviews for the film "Every Which Way But Loose" online at the Internet Movie Database. Once on the page, type "Every Which Way But Loose (1978)" into the search field at the top of the page and press enter to bring up the reviews.
Philo Beddoe
1978 - Every Which Way But Loose The orangutang appearing in a film stole vapour of donuts on the plan, what was beaten up by trainers, by got the cerebral haemorrhage and didn't survive.
ET, Every which way but loose.
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Every which way but loose is the only 1 I can think of. maybe someone can add more.