The 2012 movie Arbitrage was directed by Nicholas Jarecki. The main actors were Richard Gere (as Robert Miller), Susan Sarandon (as Ellen Miller) and Tim Roth (as Det. Michael Bryer).
Bobby Johnson, Glenn Plummer, Veronica Rodriguez and Cariella Smith starred in the 2012 movie Scandalous. Shea Stevens and William Sphinx also also appeared in it.
One of the people who starred in the 2003 movie Goodbye Lenin is the actor Daniel Bruhl. Another person who starred in the movie is Chulpan Khamatova.
This 1988 movie starred Tom Cruise, Bryan Brown and Elisabeth Shue.
This 2007 movie starred Sandra Bullock, Julian McMahon and Amber Valletta.
This 1999 movie starred Robert De Niro, Billy Crystal and Lisa Kudrow.
Arbitrage was released on 09/14/2012.
There are many actors and actresses who starred in the film 'Ex-Girlfriends.' Jennifer Carpenter, Kristen Connolly, and Alexander Poe all star in this 2012 movie.
The following persons starred in the 2012 movie "Side by Side": James Cameron, David Fincher, David Lynch, Robert Rodriguez, Martin Scorsese, Steven Soderbergh and finally Keanu Reeves.
Maltin on Movies - 2010 Arbitrage 1-88 was released on: USA: 14 September 2012
alot but 3 main characters jackson,gordon, and tamara
Bobby Johnson, Glenn Plummer, Veronica Rodriguez and Cariella Smith starred in the 2012 movie Scandalous. Shea Stevens and William Sphinx also also appeared in it.
Sarah Paulson starred in Fairhaven, playing the role of Kate. Paulson was co-starred by Chris Messnia, who played the role of Dave, and Rich Sommer who played the role of Sam.
While mainly known for her movie roles, Alicia Silverstone has appeared on Broadway twice. She starred in The Graduate in 2002 and in The Performers in 2012.
Helen Hunt starred in "The Sessions" (2012).
The Words (2012) starred Bradley Cooper and Zoe Saldana.
Angelina Jolie starred in the 2008 movie Changeling. The 1980 movie The Changeling starred George C. Scott.
The main person who starred in the movie Escalation and is listed first in the credits is Lino Capolicchio. Another person who starred in the movie is Claudine Auger.